Title : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 3 - Super Greedy!! The Merchant Planet Imegga by Top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 3 - Super Greedy!! The Merchant Planet Imegga by Top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball GT ep 3 - Super Greedy!! The Merchant Planet Imegga by Top Blogger
There's a lot of misinformation about what Dragon Ball GT is. Some say it's a blight on Dragon Ball's otherwise good name, some find a harmless but ultimately pointless non-canon continuation of the story, and others think it's muscly, hairy monkey men wrestling to hip hop music. And while all of this interpretations are founded in reality, all of them miss the mark considerably.
Dragon Ball GT is about one man's descent into madness.
Trunks was a man to be respected. Trunks as a man to be feared. He was son of the last Prince of the Saiyan warrior race. He was heir to the richest family fortune on Planet Earth. The blood of royal and corporate Kings runs through his veins. And as the young President of the C. Corp., he had the power to make your life as easy or difficult as he desired.
But he is no longer any of those things. He was born a King, but fate made him a Fool. And to whom does he play Court Jester? Some far greater King whose might can test even the mettle of the heartiest of Saiyan, or brainiest of Brief? No.
He serves the whims of a 9-year-old girl. And she is his God now.
Its been a week since Trunks, Goku, and Pan took off from Earth in search of the Black Star Dragon Balls, and already the stress of looking after Pan is causing Trunks to break. She long stole the keys to the spaceship so Trunks couldn't turn it back to Earth (this spaceship needs keys? okay), and now she doles out chores for him, and has dropped the honorific "-san" from his name; No respect, just service.
But Trunks' week is about to get a lot worse when one of the engines falls off the ship. (Likely due to Pan's kick a week previous.)
"What is that?"
Since Vegeta forced Gohan off the trip, and Pan sneaked on before Goten, Trunks is the only person qualified to fly the ship as it spins out of orbit. He tries his best to find a place to land as Pan wails that she wants her Papa. Meanwhile Goku tries his best to master seat-belt technology.
Trunks crash lands them on a nearest inhabitable planet, a place called Imegga, and they head for the nearest town, so Trunks can find parts to repair the spaceship.
Upon entering town, they're bombarded by turban wearing merchants giving the hard sell.
"Welcome to the Planet of Arab Stereotypes!"
They force Trunks into an outfit that makes him look a bit like David Bowie.
And they make Pan look like Dee Snider.
After the debacle in the Bazaar, which ends up costing them far too much money, Trunks finds he and the kids a hotel for the night. The Clerks assures them no such underhanded tactics are used here, which means they most definitely are.
Their Hotel room is a swanky place with a big cushy bed for the all-too-stressed Trunks to lay down on and watch some local TV.
He catches a program on Don Kia, the apparent Dictator of this world.
Only then do they notice that everything in the room - the bed, the shower, the lamp, the TV, etc - is rigged up to rapidly running meters.
"What the fuck is space?!"
They book it without paying but then find themselves without a place to sleep for the night. Pan starts complaining that this is all Goku's fault and Goku asks her to stop blaming everything on him (aww, Goky), which only makes Pan argue more about how all of this is because of him.
"What the fuck is space."
Fortunately, a kindly couple takes them in for the night. They explain about Don Kia becoming monarch and making it so everyone on the planet has to rent everything they possess from him, so it has made trade, especially with Off Worlders, that much more cut-throat.
Just then, a bunch of Repo-Robos show up and haul off the kindly couple's whole house because they can't make rent this month.
"What the fuck is space."
The next morning, Trunks and the kids head back to their spaceship with Trunks' spirits renewed after a night's rest. Though Goku and Pan want to do something about Don Kia (punch him to death), Trunks calmly explains that every planet has its own rules and you can't change things you don't like just because you don't like them. Besides, he reminds them, they only have a year to find the Black Star Dragon Balls.
Pan wants to know if there are any nearby, so Trunks takes out the new galactic Dragon Radar to check.
And immediately drops it when a crazy robot whirrs at him.
Said crazy whirring robot then eats the Dragon Radar.
And also their spaceship is being repo'd.
"the fuck"
well done Top Dragon Ball GT ep 3 - Super Greedy!! The Merchant Planet Imegga by Top Blogger
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This time you reading Top Dragon Ball GT ep 3 - Super Greedy!! The Merchant Planet Imegga by Top Blogger With URL link http://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-dragon-ball-gt-ep-3-super-greedy.html
These are awesome. Please post more!