Title : Top Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans by top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans by top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans by top Blogger
"Gee, it's such a lovely day! I hope no aliens try to kill us again!"
"My god! Would you look at that!" "It looks like aliens!" "Are they coming to kill us?!"
"Cindy... you dumb bitch."
Decades ago, the peaceful and highly advanced Tsufruian society of Planet Plant were invaded by King Vegeta and his Saiyan horde.
"This is why we need our guns! In case there's a giant gorilla attack!"
"But statistically speaking, owning a gun only raises your risk of dying to a gun!"
"Yeah, but what's it say about dying to a giant monkey foot?"
Though brilliant in their own way, the small, feeble Tsufurians and their science were no match for the Saiyans and their turning-into-giant-gorillas. (Understandably so, I guess.) However, their most brilliant scientist, Dr. Raichi, was determined to make sure his people would be avenged.
"They may kill me, my beautiful Hatchihyack..."
"... but you will live on to eradicate every single Saiyan!"
"Guy, that's literally my thing."
Years later, back on Earth, Dr. Raichi's Dark World has unleashed the vile Destron Gas (get it) as a means of eliminating the population... including its Saiyans.
"Why does it always seem like every May we get invaded by aliens?"
Luckily, Bulma is on the case. Examining the Destron Gas, she updates the Z Warriors on the on going situation.
"It seems this stuff is deadly, especially to humans. You Saiyans and Piccolo should be more resistant to it, but within 70 hours, all other life on Earth will be dead."
"So who do we gotta punch to fix it?"
"... Um. Son-kun. You're not hearing me. It's gas. As in, not a liquid or a solid. You can't punch gas."
"Hmph! If Kakarotto means to fight this Gas, then I'm going to fight them too!"
"why do i even bother"
So our heroes leave Capsule Corp. and track down the source of the Destron Gas in Metro West. They trace it all the way to a red pump atop a sky scrapper. Which Vegeta promptly attacks.
"Ahahaha! Feel the might of Super Vegeta! Could you have done that, Kakarotto?!"
"Um. Hit a green force-field thingy?"
"get it together, Vegeta"
But before our intrepid heroes can figure out how to put an end to the Destron Gas pump, a familiar voice rings out across the sky.
"Oh ho ho! Don't tell me you're going to cry again, Vegeta-san~"
Freeza has returned.
"That's right, bitches. And this time, I brought a crew who hates you as much as I do!"
And from out of the sky forms villains of decreasing level of continuity.
"Sup, idiots."
"Hey, bros."
"Lord Slug!"
"We meet again at last, Kakarotto."
"And... um."
"... Black Goku?"
"Sticks and stones, Tullece. Sticks and stones."
"And now that we've all returned, you have to fight all of us, at once!"
"... This sounds like a bad video game!!"
"Because it is!"
Son Goku and Coola clash for a third time...
... while Freeza and Trunks...
... and Piccolo and Slug have their respective rematches!
And Gohan just completely dominates Tullece.
That's what you get for fucking with a boy's dragon, bro.
Meanwhile, Vegeta stands around, still recovering from losing to a gas pump.
"don't let them see your tears"
But even as the returned villains are defeated, they simply turn into gas and then reappear, as strong as ever! Worse still, by being in such close proximity with the source of the Destron Gas, our heroes are rapidly losing their ki, and thus, their ability to fight back!
Is there any hope for our heroes?!
After a sudden dose of SCIENCE, Bulma has eliminated the Destron Gas!
"No! I let it slide when every time I came back, another filthy monkey beat me. But I will NOT be defeated by April FUCKING O'Neil!"
With the source of the gas in Metro West gone, the so-called Grudge Ghosts are easily defeated. But the true threat still lingers above the Earth.
Dr. Raichi, reborn through his own scientific mind.
"Soon, I will have enough Grudge Energy to power Hatchihyack..."
"... in his Perfect form!"
"Dude, what the fuck. Get your own thing!"
"Now that the gas is gone, we need to find whoever is producing it..."
"... But how? Such a fiendish mastermind could be anywhere."
"Um. Maybe that ominous looking second moon?"
"That's no moon."
With ease, our heroes find their way onto Dr. Raichi's Dark World and find the good doctor himself.
"We've come to put an end to your schemes!"
"Muwhaha! You've fallen right into my trap, Saiyan scum!"
"Everyone! Punch him to death!"
"... Ah crud, I forgot to prepare a trap!"
But even though Dr. Raichi is dead, his computer suddenly turns on and begins to give rise to his final creation.
... the Perfect soldier for his revenge, born out of his final wish!
"... are you fucking kidding me with this shit?"
... Introducing Hatchihyack, Dr. Raichi's avenger!
"Hah! You don't look so tough to me, you great dildo-man!"
"Now you're biting into my meme, too?"
After Vegeta is easily tossed aside, the others jump in to attack Hatchihyack. None of them are much more effective, with Goku even (weirdly) dropping Broly's name.
Then Hatchihyack blasts Piccolo out of the fight, while he defends Gohan.
"... Holy shit, dude. You're out of control."
However, Son Goku thinks he's found his weakness!
"When he's charging, it gives us 15 seconds where his defenses are lowered!"
Then he attacks him for like, a second.
And he immediately begins charging, thus making him immediately vulnerable.
"... Hey, you're not very smart, are you...?"
Combining their signature moves,
the Z Warriors put an end to Hatchihyack,
and the Earth is once again free of invaders.
"Now we can rest easy knowing those aliens are roasting in hell."
"Kid, you freak me the fuck out."
Meanwhile, in Hell...
"So this is Hell, eh? I wonder, how shall I spend my time, now that my quest for revenge has failed?"
"You can start by running."
well done Top Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans by top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans by top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans by top Blogger With URL link http://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2016/06/top-dragon-ball-plan-to-eradicate-super.html
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