Title : Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 100 - Caught! The New Hero Is Son Gohan by top Blogger
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Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 100 - Caught! The New Hero Is Son Gohan by top Blogger
Episode sources
A bus full of vacationing Seniors is hijacked and ransomed.
And the Satan City Police find themselves utterly ineffective at deescalating the situation.
When out of the wild blue yonder, Mr. Satan's jet flier appears--
--which can only mean the arrival of Satan City's Champion of Justice--
The bus swerves away from, and fires rounds of assault gun bullets at Videl's jet flier, but such maneuvers are no way to beat Satan City's Champion.
With relative ease, Videl puts down the hijackers.
As everyone showers her with praise and thanks, one granny asks for a photo.
... and since no one is driving it, the bus goes off a cliff.
But before the creeping void of death can take hold, the bus stops, mid-air!!
Videl, the Seniors, and even the hijackers have their lives saved...
... thanks to Satan City's dashing new hero!
By day, Son Gohan is just an ordinary High School student.
But when trouble's afoot, he presses his Capsule Corp. watch to become...
"The Great Tireman!"
Stronger than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, and able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound... the mysterious hero from another world...!!
After a long day of studying and fighting crime, Son Gohan returns to his home in the quiet solitude of Mt. Paozu. But his little brother, Son Goten, has terrible news! His friend, a baby dinosaur he calls Chibi, has been kidnapped away from his parents!
And by this comically villainous looking ringmaster, no less.
His whole family is overcome with shock and horror at the scene. Chibi's parents, the Totos, are family friends who have long inhabited the area. However, it isn't like they can stomp into the circus and rescue Chibi!
This looks like a job for...
The Great Saiyaman!
Gohan finds and frees Chibi, but as the little fellow is afraid to fly without his mother, he'll have to make their escape on foot!
"Sir, that baby dinosaur you stole was stolen by someone else!"
"WHAT?! What kind of commie-hippy, reefer smokin', environment lovin' FUCK would steal another man's intelligent and captive create?!"
"... the Great Saiyaman, sir."
With the police after him, Saiyaman is no longer the hero, but the villain!
Which means he'll have to face against Satan City's original Champion of Justice...
... and her mum wasn't named Martha.
Gohan doesn't want to fight his friend and classmate, knowing how much stronger he truly is than her, and knowing she wouldn't be fighting him if she understood the situation.
But he does find her much stronger than her pops.
Suddenly, Chibi lets out a wail of anguish
and his father is there, reigning terror upon the police and Videl.
In a flash, Gohan gets in front of Videl
and knocks out father Toto in a single blow.
But with the situation under control, he is able to reunite the family, and take them back to Paozu.
... during the battle, Videl discovered that Son Gohan and Saiyaman are one in the same! And if she's going to keep his secret, he'll have to give her a rematch, at the up coming Tenka-ichi Budokai! See, not only as Videl figured out Gohan's alterego, but she's also solved his parentage...
Former Champion of the Tenka-ichi Budokai, Son Goku.
With her father the winner of the 24th Budokai, and his the winner of the 23rd Budokai, Videl has it in her head that their children will battle it out for the title of 26th Champion of the Tenka-ichi Budokai.
Also, she wants to learn how to fly.
The Person Blackmailing Me Couldn't Possibly Be This Cute!!
Since Gohan plans on fighting in the Budokai as Saiyaman, he needs a new bit of head gear that won't be against the rules. For that, he goes to his genius friend, Bulma.
Her solution is uh, remarkably analogue, considering.
But upon hearing about Gohan entering the tournament, two fighting maniacs chime in to join as well.
and Son Goku!
Even though Goku is dead, Uranai Baba has long brought dead fighters back to spend one last day among the living. Not to finish any business or spend time with their families or say proper goodbyes, oh no. To fight in tournaments.
Though if they insist on seeing their family, it's only to fight them.
But Gohan couldn't care less, if it means he'll get to see his dad again!
This is shaping up to be one incredible tournament! (Would be a shame if someone derailed it.)
Meanwhile, Mr. Satan watches videos of himself. (And millennials are the bad ones? Classic Boomer hypocrisy.)
What's cut?
In DBZ 201, the Seniors are so chill, they enjoy the spectacle of being held for ransom.
In DBZ 204, Gohan frets over Toto Dad going on a Kaiju attack of Satan City.
He fights a grunt after freeing Chibi.
They show Chibi's fear of flight, rather than just telling.
And this shot is cut.
Finally, DBZ 205, Gohan saves an airplane a la Superman 1.
well done Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 100 - Caught! The New Hero Is Son Gohan by top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 100 - Caught! The New Hero Is Son Gohan by top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 100 - Caught! The New Hero Is Son Gohan by top Blogger With URL link http://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2016/06/top-dragon-ball-kai-ep-100-caught-new.html
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