Title : Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 101 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Intro to Bukujutsu by top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 101 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Intro to Bukujutsu by top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 101 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Intro to Bukujutsu by top Blogger
Episode sources
After committing himself, Vegeta, and Goku to participate in the 25th Tenka-ichi Budokai, Gohan makes the rounds telling the rest of the Z Team about it. (Well, those he can find, which means not Tenshinhan, Chaozu, or Yamcha.) First up is Kuririn and #18, who are now happily married and living with Muten Roshi and their young daughter Marron at Kame House. Kuririn is hesitant to enter with all the Saiyans joining up, but hearing about the huge cash prizes up to 5th place, #18 insists they both enter.
"By the way, Gohan. What's with that ridiculously nerdy outfit?"
Then Gohan makes his way to Kami's Temple, where he tells Piccolo, Dende, and Mr. Popo about the tournament. Piccolo is in, though the other two take a hard pass.
"Gohan, what the hell is up with that ridiculous getup?"
"Says the guy who literally one owns one outfit."
"It's called having a Brand, pleb."
With everyone informed, Gohan returns home, wondering if his mom will even let him enter.
But when Chichi hears about the prize money, her eyes are practically dollar signs.
Actually, let's fix that.
But even more than money, Chichi is anxious to see her husband again.
(They gon' fuck.)
... for uh, for Goten, though.
(Uh huh, right.)
The next morning, Gohan takes an extended leave of absence from school to begin his training. His training partner is Goten, who supplies a little challenge for Gohan as he makes to get used to his old strength from when he fought Cell. But Goten is feeling at a bit of a disadvantage.
He wants to be a Super Saiyan, too.
"Oh, my sweet summer child, perhaps one day, after years of grueling, hard work, peak tranquility, ignited by anger, you too shall achieve this legendary form of our proud, ancient people."
"what the fuck"
Meanwhile at Capsule Corp., Trunks tries to train in the gravity room with his father, as he prepares for the upcoming matches with Goku and Gohan.
"Don't overexert yourself, Trunks. You should leave the room. 150x gravity is too much for you."
"what the fuck"
It turns out the two boys have been Super Saiyan for a little while, and have even play fought against each other many times. Though Trunks is the stronger one, being a year older, their powers are remarkably close according to Trunks.
This gives Gohan and Vegeta some interesting new training partners.
... only Goten can't fly yet
... and Trunks can't take a punch.
Gohan and Goten's training is interrupted by Videl, who arrives suddenly at the Son House to demand her flight training.
Chichi thinks it's less about entering the Budokai, and more about getting 'lewd' with her son.
That is, until she discovers Videl is filthy rich.
"So, when are you and Videl gettin' married?!"
Videl proves to be a quick and adept student. Despite having no prior knowledge of ki, she learns to control hers and basic Bukujutsu within the span of a day. While that's insane when you consider that not even Muten Roshi knows Bukujutsu, for some reason Videl feels discouraged.
I wonder why...
Meanwhile, in the Next World...
Goku trains for the Budokai,
as South Kaio comes up to show off Papoi, his newest student, hinting he should challenge Goku.
Then they see Goku's Super Saiyan Swagger strength, and think better of it.
Back at Mt. Paozu, as the day winds down, Videl tells Gohan she's coming back tomorrow to continue practicing her ki. While she could easily practice on her own, she appears as if to be making an excuse to spend more time with him. This is something Gohan completely misses. But before she leaves for the day, he has one last bit of advice.
"Videl, about your hair... I think it'd be better, shorter."
"... Gohan-kun... is short hair more your taste?"
"N-no, it's not a matter of taste! But when you're in a match, it can get in your eyes or get pulled."
With that outburst, Videl gets in her jet and leaves.
"Bro, like, I'm 7, and even I know how much she wants that D."
Yet the next day, Videl shows up at the same time as before... with her hair cut.
"i think i preferred fighting Cell"
What's cut?
In DBZ 205, Farmer With Shotgun returns. Again.
... and their criminal activity is foiled by Gohan.
Only it's actually a movie set...
... being directed and produced by two guys who look just like Red and Black.
what the fuck
DBZ 206 shows Piccolo training
Kuririn and 18 training
Chichi telling Goten not to distract his brother from training
Gohan and Goten racing
Goten making friends with dinos
Grand Kaio checking in on Goku's training
Goten making friends with bigger dinos
A flash back to Goten and Chichi training
Goten reminding Chichi about how romantic the Budokai can be.
And Chichi flashing back to the good ol days with Goku.
Finally, in DBZ 207, we see a lot more of Goten learning to fly quicker than Videl, and her competitive response to it.
well done Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 101 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Intro to Bukujutsu by top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 101 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Intro to Bukujutsu by top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 101 - Gohan the Teacher! Videl's Intro to Bukujutsu by top Blogger With URL link http://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2016/06/top-dragon-ball-kai-ep-101-gohan.html
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