Title : Top Dragon Ball GT: Goku's Side Story! The Four-Star-Ball is a Testament to Courage (GT TV Special) by Top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball GT: Goku's Side Story! The Four-Star-Ball is a Testament to Courage (GT TV Special) by Top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball GT: Goku's Side Story! The Four-Star-Ball is a Testament to Courage (GT TV Special) by Top Blogger
100 years have gone by since Baby was defeated by Son Goku. Since then, all the people you loved in the Dragon World have died. Except Pan. (So if you're like a lot of the fandom, everyone you loved is dead.) 110 now, she's taken to raising her grandson, named Son Goku.
He looks and sounds just like his namesake, with one critical difference;
He's not good at anything.
Like, basic shit anything.
Pan is trying to train Goku to harness his dormant Saiyan abilities, but not doing a very good job at it.
Even at school, Goku finds himself the target of bullies due to his passive nature. Particularly, a group of kids led by a large boy named Puck.
One evening after Goku was bullied by Puck's gang, Pan tries to tell him that fighting back isn't about winning but about having the courage to stand up for yourself. But before she can finish, she collapses onto the floor. She's rushed to the hospital where doctors stabilize her but she's still very weak; Goku begs her to hold on, that he needs her. But Pan assures him, he is named after the strongest, most brave man in the universe... And he has that same courage inside.
That night, as he gazes at a picture of his grandma holding a memento from her past - the Four-Star Dragon Ball - Goku makes a decision. He's going to journey to Mt. Paozu from his home in Satan City where the Dragon Ball still rests at his Grandpa Goku's house, and use its power to wish Pan back to health.
As Goku walks down the street with morning rising overhead, Puck and his gang run into him. Taunt him though they try, Goku is unperturbed and walks right past them without a second glance.
After a day of walking and bonding (by having an actual pissing contest, what else), Goku and Puck settle next to a fire for roasted frankfurters. Pucks admits to having a lot of respect for Grandma Pan, who once stopped him from going into a fight with a fucking baseball bat by instructing him to fight with his hands instead (Pan got super hardcore, guys).
The woman takes the boys back to her house in the mountains, giving them plenty of food to eat and beds to sleep in.
The next morning, Goku pulls himself up the side of the mountain, bandages his scrapes, and then reflects morosely on how he's lost the only friend he's ever had. He doesn't know if Puck survived the river or not, he only knows that he has one more favor to ask the Dragon Ball.
The little cub seems to be running from yet another of Mt. Paozu's monsters (man, now I know why Son Gohan loved living in these mountains, lots of weird bad guys to beat up), who, frankly, looks like some variety of Battle Toad. The cub goes to Goku's side and trembles.
Then he remembers Grandma Pan's words. Her faith in him, and his courage.
He bandages up the little cub and the two find momma bear. Momma bear is grateful to Goku, so she scoops him up and Goku rides up Mt. Paozu on the back of a massive black bear. (Worse ways to travel, for sure.)
Warthog beaten to a pulp, his minions scattered to the four winds, and it's Son Goku 1, Mt. Paozu monsters 0. Then Goku passes out.
He wakes up to baby and momma watching over him, and thinks momma bear saved them, not remembering a moment of his outrageous Super Saiyan attack. But no matter, as he's close enough now that the trio soon find themselves at Goku's destination.
One evening after Goku was bullied by Puck's gang, Pan tries to tell him that fighting back isn't about winning but about having the courage to stand up for yourself. But before she can finish, she collapses onto the floor. She's rushed to the hospital where doctors stabilize her but she's still very weak; Goku begs her to hold on, that he needs her. But Pan assures him, he is named after the strongest, most brave man in the universe... And he has that same courage inside.
That night, as he gazes at a picture of his grandma holding a memento from her past - the Four-Star Dragon Ball - Goku makes a decision. He's going to journey to Mt. Paozu from his home in Satan City where the Dragon Ball still rests at his Grandpa Goku's house, and use its power to wish Pan back to health.
Goku, ready for a coming-of-age adventure.
"Cute kid."
As Goku walks down the street with morning rising overhead, Puck and his gang run into him. Taunt him though they try, Goku is unperturbed and walks right past them without a second glance.
Even Puck is impressed with Goku's manly determination!!
... unfortunately, your school bully's respect doesn't make walking to a fucking mountain any easier.
"Tell me about it."
So Goku hitches a ride with a trucker...
... who, the first time Goku gets out to take a leak, steals his shit and drives off.
"Fuck you, that's why!"
"Dude I'm like 8."
Down the road he runs into Puck again, this time hanging out at a gas station. Puck wants to go to Mt. Paozu with him, because he wants to see the fabled monsters that inhabit that mountain, and even comes up with a solid plan to get them more food for the journey:
The boys jump on a shopping cart loaded with food and Puck's luggage and then escape the gas station owner by swerving into traffic. They ride down the highway like this for a good while, and though Goku is nervous at first ('cus y'know, cars could easily kill them both), he let's go and the two enjoy their jaunt toward the rural outskirts of Paozu.
And they land exactly like this.
After a day of walking and bonding (by having an actual pissing contest, what else), Goku and Puck settle next to a fire for roasted frankfurters. Pucks admits to having a lot of respect for Grandma Pan, who once stopped him from going into a fight with a fucking baseball bat by instructing him to fight with his hands instead (Pan got super hardcore, guys).
Then, Puck gives Goku back a mechanical pencil he'd stolen from him before.
B-but it's not like we're friends, baka~
Suddenly, wolves.
Drawn by the smell of their roasting wieners, far too many wolves show up (like, thirty wolves) and try to eat the boys. While Puck picks up a burning wooden stake to fight them off, Goku stands around waving his hotdog like an idiot until a burst of Gohan-like Saiyan ability sends him launching up into the air.
Like so.
Then a woman arrives with a shotgun, scaring the wolves away and saving Puck.
While Goku is stuck in a tree, with no idea how he came to be in it.
The woman takes the boys back to her house in the mountains, giving them plenty of food to eat and beds to sleep in.
However, after the trucker from that morning, Goku is weary of easy generosity.
Which is smart because she's actually a monster.
Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn.
Then, we get the exact same scene from the Fellowship of the Ring movie.
Y'know, the one Peter Jackson stole from Ralph Bakshi.
Well, apparently Toei stole it first. For Dragon Ball GT.
(Hey, it's a fun sequence. No complaints here.)
The boys make a break for it...
... but the woman monster catches up with them eventually, as she wants to eat them.
So it's up for Son Goku to save the day, at long last, with his greatest weapon:
"Don't look so angry. It spoils how beautiful your face is."
"... Oh my, you really think so? What a good boy you are!"
"You expect me to fall for that trick?"
(Dragon Ball makes a lot of pee jokes, but this is their finest work. Bravo.)
She manages to capture Goku with her monstrous hair, but he knocks her back using unconscious Saiyan power.
Then Puck cuts him free, and the two boys make like a tree and get out of there.
As they run, they come onto an old wooden bridge that Goku is too afraid to cross. He stays on too long and nearly falls too his doom, but for Puck who comes to his rescue.
It doesn't work out.
Both boys are slung from the bridge, with Goku slamming into the rock face and onto a small plateau, and Puck falling into the river below.
The next morning, Goku pulls himself up the side of the mountain, bandages his scrapes, and then reflects morosely on how he's lost the only friend he's ever had. He doesn't know if Puck survived the river or not, he only knows that he has one more favor to ask the Dragon Ball.
Suddenly, a baby bear.
The little cub seems to be running from yet another of Mt. Paozu's monsters (man, now I know why Son Gohan loved living in these mountains, lots of weird bad guys to beat up), who, frankly, looks like some variety of Battle Toad. The cub goes to Goku's side and trembles.
The little cub looks into Goku's eyes, pleading for help.
And Goku looks back into the baby's eyes.
... And then he fucking books it.
Then he remembers Grandma Pan's words. Her faith in him, and his courage.
So Goku returns to battle that Battle Toad!
And thanks to his surprise Saiyan power, he wins.
He bandages up the little cub and the two find momma bear. Momma bear is grateful to Goku, so she scoops him up and Goku rides up Mt. Paozu on the back of a massive black bear. (Worse ways to travel, for sure.)
The monsters return, this time with some kind of chicken guy,
and their "boss", a gigantic purple warthog.
The Warthog decides he'll go over to Goku so that they can just finally fucking eat him already. But Momma Bear has a different opinion.
He transforms his arm into powerful roots (a thing he can do) and nearly chokes momma bear to death.
But that's simply a bridge too far for Son Goku.
In his fury, the legendary Super Saiyan awakens in him. So now it's his turn to fight back.
Warthog beaten to a pulp, his minions scattered to the four winds, and it's Son Goku 1, Mt. Paozu monsters 0. Then Goku passes out.
He wakes up to baby and momma watching over him, and thinks momma bear saved them, not remembering a moment of his outrageous Super Saiyan attack. But no matter, as he's close enough now that the trio soon find themselves at Goku's destination.
Son Gohan's house.
Within, Goku finds the Dragon Ball, and then takes it outside the make his wish on the dragon.
... only, it doesn't work. Even after all his struggles, the Dragon Ball isn't working!
"Why won't you grant my wish?! Dammit!!!"
"You gotta get all seven Dragon Balls together, or it doesn't work. Didn't Pan tell you?"
"... Who are you?"
"Who am I? I'm your great-great..."
"... how many was it again?"
"Anyhow, I'm your grandpa!"
"G-Grandpa Goku...?"
"Yeah! Y'know, you sure are strong. It's been a long time since I've been as wound up as that."
"Me? ... I'm always weak..."
"That just ain't so! You really are strong!"
"Was I... brave?"
"Of course you were! You're the grandson of my granddaughter's granddaughter's..."
"... child?"
"Well, anyhow, you're Son Goku, after all!"
But as Goku wants to as his Grandpa Goku about Puck, about Pan, a police copter flies over their heads.
With Puck, safe and sound inside...
... and a fully healed Pan as well.
Goku is overwhelmed. He turns to tell his grandpa the good news, but he's already vanished.
Yet it's without tears that brave young boy carries the Four-Star-Ball aboard the copter. A memento of his grandpa...
... just as it had been for him.
And will always continue to be.
Honestly, go watch this special. I don't care if you've never seen a GT in your life. Watch it dubbed for all I care. Just watch it. It's without a doubt one of the best original stories Toei ever told. Just, hats off. Why wasn't this GT from the start? Even Tokunaga's music works so well here (much of it taken from the 10th Anniversary Dragon Ball movie rather than GT's soundtrack). It's... just go watch it.
well done Top Dragon Ball GT: Goku's Side Story! The Four-Star-Ball is a Testament to Courage (GT TV Special) by Top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball GT: Goku's Side Story! The Four-Star-Ball is a Testament to Courage (GT TV Special) by Top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball GT: Goku's Side Story! The Four-Star-Ball is a Testament to Courage (GT TV Special) by Top Blogger With URL link http://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-dragon-ball-gt-goku-side-story-four.html
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