Title : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 42 - Die, Goku!! Mighty Enemies Return From Hell by Top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 42 - Die, Goku!! Mighty Enemies Return From Hell by Top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball GT ep 42 - Die, Goku!! Mighty Enemies Return From Hell by Top Blogger
"Where am I?"
"So, we meet at long last, Dr. Myuu. The brightest mind of the Tsufruians meets the most intelligent man on Earth. Long have I awaited this moment where we might put our powerful knowledge together and use it for that ultimate purpose for which all science was created."
"... you wanna help me kill Goku?"
"Hell yeah."
Earth has been happily at peace ever since Goku defeated Baby on the Planet Tsufru. In their relaxation, Chichi has invited the Brief family over for dinner at the Son residence on Mt. Paozu. Trunks and Vegeta have yet to arrive, but Bulma and Bra find themselves deeply enjoying the strange, exotic flavors of Chichi's home cooking.
"Chichi, what kind of meat is this? It's delicious!"
"Oh, that? It's a chunk of a Pee Rex dinosaur Gohan has been keeping alive for decades, while slowly removing parts and limbs from him for us to eat as it suffers and struggles to keep living."
"That's his penis."
"Oh hey guys."
Trunks arrives completely battered and talking about Artificial Human #17 (18's twin bro, for those who've forgotten - no one would blame you) and some kind of Hell portal in the sky. Our heroes go outside and confirm that there is, indeed, some kind of strange wormhole and Kaio-sama contacts them to tell them that it's indeed a gateway between Earth and Hell.
Kaio-sama also has a cold.
But who could be doing such a dastardly-do as opening up a portal to Hell???
It's #17...
... and #17.
Dr. Gero explains to his new companion Dr. Myuu that Cell was never meant to be his strongest creation; #17 was. But his dormant power never came out because he hated Dr. Gero so much for turning him into an Artificial Human. Thanks to Myuu's Machine Mutant technology however, Gero was able to construct a second #17, from scratch, who will fuse into the other #17 and form the ultimate Artificial Human.
With the ultimate forehead.
(Cheers to foreheads, I guess.)
It is, hands down, the stupidest fucking plot this show has ever had. Why would Cell be programmed to absorb #17 if #17 was always meant to be stronger? Why would hating the insane scientist that turned you into a cyborg make your power dormant? And so much power that 17 can contend with GT characters? And how did they make a second #17 from scratch when #17 is an organic being? Sure, Machine Mutants are organic too, but even they seem to need a body if you want them to look like a person. Did they just find some dude who looked exactly like #17 and turn him into a Machine Mutant? Then how does he have a strange psychic connection with #17? How does any of this work? Did anyone actually think about this storyline for more than three minutes before they wrote it?
Meanwhile, on Earth...
"People of Earth, whatever you do... Don't. Panic."
"... why do I keep saving this planet, again?"
Back at Mt. Paozu, Trunks has come to, and everyone wants to know what's this business about #17 and the portal to Hell.
"Well... it was like this."
"Hey idiot, tell Goku this is a portal to Hell and a bunch of strong guys inside want to fight him."
"That sounds like an obvious trap."
Sure enough, all kinds of baddies from Goku and the gang's past are rushing through the portal to exact their revenge on Goku... by, um... attacking random civilians, I guess.
"Y'know, I'm --"
"'Startin' to get excited', right?" Chichi finishes for him.
(Okay episode, that was cute as fuck.)
So Goku leaves for Hell to beat up Cell and Freeza and whoever else is still in there, while the others take to the streets to clean up the rabble.
Goten kills Pui Pui.
Trunks blows up Yakon.
And together they blow up #19.
Not bad for a couple lazy kids, eh?
Actually, boys, try to keep up with Pan.
... As Pan eliminates the entire Red Ribbon Army in like 30 seconds.
At length, Goku arrives in Hell and looks around for who he's supposed to fight.
Gero and Myuu are there, and laugh at him for falling into their obvious trap before leaping out of Hell with their Hell #17, trapping Goku inside Hell behind them.
(Because, um... Instantaneous Movement doesn't work again? King Yama is on vacation? Man, fuck this story.)
Trapped, and without anyone to fight.
For an eternity.
But wait... do you hear that?
"Guess who just got back today?"
"Them wild-eyed boys that had been away."
"Haven't changed that much to say."
"But man, I still think them cats are crazy."
well done Top Dragon Ball GT ep 42 - Die, Goku!! Mighty Enemies Return From Hell by Top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball GT ep 42 - Die, Goku!! Mighty Enemies Return From Hell by Top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball GT ep 42 - Die, Goku!! Mighty Enemies Return From Hell by Top Blogger With URL link http://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-dragon-ball-gt-ep-42-die-goku.html
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