Title : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 37 - Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double-KO!! by Top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 37 - Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double-KO!! by Top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball GT ep 37 - Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double-KO!! by Top Blogger
Baby prepares to finally kill Goku with Vegeta's Super Gallic Ho--
--when he suddenly collapses from the wounds sustained by Goku's 10x Kamehameha.
Then Goku and Baby engage in a sissy slap-fight that ends with them both knocked out on the ground.
And then the vast majority of the rest of the episode is given over to the adventures of Kibitoshin.
No, seriously.
You were so close, GT. The strange tale you began 18 hours ago was finally coming to a surprisingly exciting conclusion. You could have just sat back and let it Freeza Saga, with two insanely powerful foes knocking each other back and forth on a crumbling planet as the clock slowly ticks out the minutes until this story ends. But you couldn't just do that. You had to stop the fight and pull some weird sidequest shit out of your ass.
New name for the episode. "Dammit, Toei!! This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things!!"
Anyway, ODB and Kibitoshin want to use the opportunity of a KO'd Baby to murder him in his sleep. (Y'know, like benevolent Gods.) Kibitoshin offers to teleports to Planet Tsufru to revive Goku, but ODB tells him he won't be able to because he doesn't have enough power to revive a Super Saiyan 4.
Instead, ODB tells Kibitoshin that the key is reviving Trunks, Goten, and Gohan, and cleansing their mind with the Ultra Holy Water from Kami's Temple.
No, seriously.
(They just pulled plot from the Garlic Jr Saga. Fucking shit.)
Kibitoshin sneaks into Kami's Temple, finds mysterious water, tastes it,
gets chased around for entirely too long by Dende and Mr. Popo,
gets the Ultra Holy Water,
cleanses Popo and Dende,
then zips over to Planet Tsufru to revive Trunks.
Meanwhile, Tsufruian-Bulma comes up with a way to revive Baby's strength.
She just shoots him with even more Bruits waves.
(wtf is he? Birdman?)
And more fucked up still, it works.
(Why the fuck are you wasting time reviving Trunks, you fucking numbskull? GET BULMA BACK ON YOUR SIDE. SHE'S CLEARLY THE MOST VALUABLE CHARACTER.)
Baby stands refreshed and brimming full of power (probably full of a fuckload of cancer), ready to at long last take his, um, revenge (?) on the Saiyans by killing a Saiyan who had literally nothing to do with Planet Plant's fall while inhabiting the body of the son of the person most responsible. (Uh, alright, I guess this whole story was actually pretty fucking dumb, but maaaan, episode 35 was so cool...)
"Ehhh, what's up, Doc?"
Goku returns! And he tells Baby he was just having a nap while Baby was knocked out, and truthfully, he still has all of his power to fight!! Of course, Goku is bluffing. I mean, he took a Super Gallic Ho to the face. But what's the worst that could happen?
well done Top Dragon Ball GT ep 37 - Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double-KO!! by Top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball GT ep 37 - Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double-KO!! by Top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball GT ep 37 - Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double-KO!! by Top Blogger With URL link https://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-dragon-ball-gt-ep-37-valor-baby-and.html
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