Title : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 11 - Lood's Curse?! Pan Gets Turned Into a Doll by Top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball GT ep 11 - Lood's Curse?! Pan Gets Turned Into a Doll by Top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball GT ep 11 - Lood's Curse?! Pan Gets Turned Into a Doll by Top Blogger
Forced by the Parapara Brother's spaceship's artificial intelligence to soar through space to the PPB's home world of Planet Lood, Pan and Giru must overcome their differences and work together if they want to make it out of this trip alive!
Pan is the first to offer an olive branch to Giru, saying that she doesn't like him and he doesn't like her, but they need to work together to get off this crazy mushroom Star Trek spaceship. But when he's still gun-shy of her, Pan tries to smash him into pieces with her foot and Giru sends her down a garbage shoot.
(These men are now dead.)
The duo make it to Planet Lood where Giru finally gets a signal on the Six-Star Black Star Dragon Ball. Pan is eager to capture it, but Giru warns her of impending doom. Being her utmost 90s kid, Pan doesn't need Giru or wait for Goku and Trunks to inevitably arrive. She can check out the really creepy church-temple thing herself!
She finds herself immediately in a room full of creepy statues while people chant soulless prayers down the hallway.
(Exactly how I felt inside the Scientology Center, Pan.)
Pan finds herself in Lood's main hall of worship.
Hundreds of followers led in prayer by the Reverend Mutchi-motchi.
And most importantly, the Six-Star-Ball!!
Awesome! Okay, Pan, this is where you use your ki to fly around and nuke these fuckers and--
Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks managed to get the Parapara Bros to give up Pan and Giru's location, as well as the location of their leader Mutchi-motchi, by utilizing "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques".
i.e. they tortured the fuck out of them
When they make it to Planet Lood, Giru flies up to Trunks and hugs him like a happy little robo puppy, and then tells him that Pan is in danger!
Meanwhile, Pan kills a couple guys.
Pan confronts the priest Mutchi-motchi who reveals to her that on this planet they worship the God of Destruction - Lood-sama!
"You mean to say I wasn't even an original idea, Toei?"
"Fair enough."
But Pan isn't afraid of any God of Destruction
Then Lood turns her into a doll.
(No, a higher quality one than that.)
(There we go.)
Before Motchi-mutchi can toss her into the pot to become one with the God of Destruction Lood-sama, Goku, Trunks, and Giru arrive with the Parapara Brothers in tow. Goku comments to himself that Pan's ki just disappeared. But not in a distressed way, even though that usually means death. So either Goku has some kind of supernatural power that lets him know Pan is a-okay ... or...
Motchi-mutchi turns the PPB into dolls and tosses them into Lood's pot...
... and then strikes out at Son Goku!
But whip attacks don't ... really... do much to Goku.
So Mutchi-motchi shoots him with a gun.
Ugh, enough out of you... I miss Toriyama.
That's when Motchi-mutchi summons his most powerful ally onto the field: The Leion!
It's then that Goku remembers he's more powerful than literally everyone in this show by an extraordinary amount.
So he just straight up murders them.
Except then, Motchi-mutchi's whip begins to talk.
"This isn't even my final form!"
And it isn't.
What the fuck is even happening anymore.
"I am Mutchi, the Priest of Lood-sama!"
Am I dying? Did someone slip me something? No, really, what the fuck is happening?
Oh and Giru finds Pan's unused doll but some mysterious gloved guy kicks him away and steals doll Pan. (Who is still conscious inside her doll brain. Creepy.)
well done Top Dragon Ball GT ep 11 - Lood's Curse?! Pan Gets Turned Into a Doll by Top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball GT ep 11 - Lood's Curse?! Pan Gets Turned Into a Doll by Top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball GT ep 11 - Lood's Curse?! Pan Gets Turned Into a Doll by Top Blogger With URL link https://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-dragon-ball-gt-ep-11-lood-curse-pan.html
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