Title : Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 19 - A Powerful New Foe! The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza by top Blogger
link : Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 19 - A Powerful New Foe! The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza by top Blogger
Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 19 - A Powerful New Foe! The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza by top Blogger
Episode sources
It takes Kuririn, Gohan, and Bulma 34 days to reach Planet Namek.
Kuririn and Gohan fill the time by mentally training their ki against one another.
While Bulma fills the time by bitching at the other two while they try to train.
Meanwhile, in space...
... Vegeta finds himself on Planet Freeza #79, looking like he just lost a fight with a giant gorilla.
Oh, right.
So after a little while in a Star Wars reference...
... Vegeta is fully recovered, and ready to get to Namek to get his wish from their Dragon Balls, and then return to Earth to blow it up.
Then his friend Kewie tells him their employer, galactic tyrant and gangster Freeza, heard all about the Dragon Balls and is going off to get them for himself.
[Internal Screaming]
Back on Earth, Goku trains with Muten Roshi.
So the month passes, and the Earthlings land on Namek.
Then Gohan feels some evil ki.
"Don't worry about that, Gohan! It's probably just the Namekians!"
That's when they spot Vegeta's space pod, landing on Namek.
Our heroes are well and properly boned.
What's cut?
From episode 39 and 40, a plot involving space orphans is axed.
... Including this flash back where Kewie is solely responsible for the destruction of a civilization.
This was also Kewie's first appearance in the DBZ anime.
In episode 40, the first reference to Goku's fear of needles is cut.
The entire episode 41 is cut, plus a giant chunk of 42 and 43, involving a plot where aliens fool Bulma Co. into thinking their planet is Namek, so they can steal their spaceship.
The aliens actually look like this.
Also on the cutting room floor from 41 is the somewhat popular scene where Chichi knits Gohan and Goku matching sweaters.
And mostly only popular to me from 41, Space Rex is cut. RIP.
Goku tries training in episodes 41 and 42, and it doesn't work out.
Some tentacle monsters attack the boys in episode 43.
And this cuteMinoru Maeda Tomekichi Takeuchi drawing of Bulma is cut.
Kuririn and Gohan fill the time by mentally training their ki against one another.
While Bulma fills the time by bitching at the other two while they try to train.
Meanwhile, in space...
... Vegeta finds himself on Planet Freeza #79, looking like he just lost a fight with a giant gorilla.
Oh, right.
So after a little while in a Star Wars reference...
... Vegeta is fully recovered, and ready to get to Namek to get his wish from their Dragon Balls, and then return to Earth to blow it up.
Then his friend Kewie tells him their employer, galactic tyrant and gangster Freeza, heard all about the Dragon Balls and is going off to get them for himself.
[Internal Screaming]
Back on Earth, Goku trains with Muten Roshi.
So the month passes, and the Earthlings land on Namek.
Then Gohan feels some evil ki.
"Don't worry about that, Gohan! It's probably just the Namekians!"
That's when they spot Vegeta's space pod, landing on Namek.
Our heroes are well and properly boned.
What's cut?
From episode 39 and 40, a plot involving space orphans is axed.
... Including this flash back where Kewie is solely responsible for the destruction of a civilization.
This was also Kewie's first appearance in the DBZ anime.
In episode 40, the first reference to Goku's fear of needles is cut.
The entire episode 41 is cut, plus a giant chunk of 42 and 43, involving a plot where aliens fool Bulma Co. into thinking their planet is Namek, so they can steal their spaceship.
The aliens actually look like this.
Also on the cutting room floor from 41 is the somewhat popular scene where Chichi knits Gohan and Goku matching sweaters.
And mostly only popular to me from 41, Space Rex is cut. RIP.
Goku tries training in episodes 41 and 42, and it doesn't work out.
Some tentacle monsters attack the boys in episode 43.
And this cute
All said, this is one of the most impressively edited episodes in Kai. It feels pretty seamless and well paced when you watch it, despite a couple hours or more of footage from the original broadcast being slashed.
well done Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 19 - A Powerful New Foe! The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza by top Blogger
That's it article Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 19 - A Powerful New Foe! The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza by top Blogger this time, Okay see you with another posting.
This time you reading Top Dragon Ball Kai ep 19 - A Powerful New Foe! The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza by top Blogger With URL link https://tartarugasdagalaxia.blogspot.com/2015/12/top-dragon-ball-kai-ep-19-powerful-new.html
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